April 2017

Utilising the thermal storage of the earth with geoexchange ground loops.

Thinking outside the box with ancient battery storage.

 Each day we hear on the news or through other media about the current state of the future of our electricity supply and its capacity to keep up with future demand (especially in South Australia). We often hear about the growth and interest in Solar PV as a means to generate electricity and batteries as a means to store […]

Thinking outside the box with ancient battery storage. Read More »

WaterFurnace 7 Series Ducted heating and cooling geoexchange heat pump

A truly energy efficient comfort unit to provide ducted heating and cooling.

  In our last blog we looked at the versatility of the WaterFurnace Synergy3D to provide ducted heating, ducted cooling and heated water for your hydronic heating system. In this post we will introduce you to the star of the WaterFurnace range of geoexchange heat pumps the 7 Series. The WaterFurnace 7 Series water to

A truly energy efficient comfort unit to provide ducted heating and cooling. Read More »